Module ANSIColor

module ANSIColor: sig .. end
ANSIColor is a simple library for coloring strings in a terminal with ANSI colors.

type color =
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White

type attribute =
| Clear
| Bold
| Dark
| Underline
| Blink
| Reverse
| Concealed
| Color of color
| Background of color

convenience values, to save typing:
val black : attribute
val red : attribute
val green : attribute
val yellow : attribute
val blue : attribute
val magenta : attribute
val cyan : attribute
val white : attribute
val on_black : attribute
val on_red : attribute
val on_green : attribute
val on_yellow : attribute
val on_blue : attribute
val on_magenta : attribute
val on_cyan : attribute
val on_white : attribute
val apply : attribute list -> string -> string
apply attrs s applies attrs, in order, to s. If autoreset is OFF, any following text will also have attrs applied to it.
val set_autoreset : bool -> unit
Turns the autoreset feature on and off. It defaults to on.